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First the shutdown, now Social Security is accused of fraud

Posted on October 11th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Throughout the course of keeping our readers well-informed about the state of the Social Security Administration and offering advice about how to proceed with complicated situations involving your benefits we have come across some truly concern-worthy stories. The recent government shutdown was among one of them, which could have an incredible impact on beneficiaries here […]

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Will the government shutdown affect veterans with disabilities?

Posted on October 4th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

Last week, we talked to readers of our blog about how the potential government shutdown could affect Social Security benefits. While we only focused on disability benefits offered through SSI and SSD, we realize that some of our readers could be veterans from the armed services who are also living with a disability. We realize […]

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Will the government shutdown affect Social Security benefits?

Posted on September 27th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

There is no doubting that the federal government has had a rough couple of years recently. With the massive recession and the sequester not far behind us, the new threat of a government shutdown has many Illinois residents fearful once more that these financial problems could threaten their Social Security benefits once more. We ask […]

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New rule: In-home care providers to receive higher pay

Posted on September 20th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

People who receive Social Security disability benefits or Supplemental Security Income often have to coordinate their Medicare and Medicaid benefits, as well as make certain they receive any necessary in-home care. Illinois residents who are approved for SSD benefits can usually start receiving Medicare benefits two years after the SSD benefits start. SSI recipients may […]

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Social Security faces lawsuit for firing language interpreter

Posted on September 13th, 2013 by Jeff Rabin

If you’ve ever applied for Social Security disability benefits then you know how complicated the form can be. One small mistake can even result in denied benefits, despite demonstrating an obvious disability. In the end, many people are forced to appeal their claim which can take significantly more time and can even require the help […]

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