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Illinois AARP Director: Don’t Change Social Security Act

Posted on October 28th, 2011 by Jeffrey Rabin

Illinois residents struggling to receive their Social Security benefits will have a tougher time of it if Congress follows through on a proposed laundry list of government budget cuts. Bob Gallo, the Illinois State Director for the AARP recently wrote an Op-Ed piece in which he advised Congress to leave cuts to the Social Security […]

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Thousands of People Wrongfully Deemed Dead by SSA

Posted on October 17th, 2011 by Jeffrey Rabin

As mentioned in the previous blog, the Social Security Administration was found to be paying benefits to deceased people. Now, a new investigation shows those same officials in charge of Social Security Disability and other government benefit programs under SSA falsely report each year more than 14,000 people who are very much alive. And if […]

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Millions of Dollars in Government Benefits Paid to Dead People

Posted on October 10th, 2011 by Jeffrey Rabin

More than $600 million worth of government benefits have been paid out for the past five years to individuals who are already dead, according to a new report from the federal Office of Personal Management (OPM). The benefits, in some instances similar to Social Security Disability (SSDI) benefits, are paid to retired or disabled federal […]

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Texas Alternative to SSDI Worth Noting for Illinois Residents

Posted on October 3rd, 2011 by Jeffrey Rabin

When it comes to Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and serious injury, Illinois residents may want to take a look at what three counties in Texas are doing. For 30 years now, county workers have been using their own brand of Social Security, including SSDI. In addition to covering retirement, the plan also includes provisions […]

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SSI Recipients Eligible for Wireless Access Program

Posted on September 27th, 2011 by Jeffrey Rabin

Supplemental Security Income recipients may be eligible for additional assistance through a recently-established program. Illinois residents may be interested to learn about a group called Keeping Americans Connected to Opportunity (KACO). According to recent news report, growing numbers of low-income individuals are joining the group, which campaigns for the support of the federal wireless Lifeline […]

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