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Social Security Reform Needed for Minorities, Report Says

Published on November 7th, 2011

As the countries demographics continue to change, some believe changes to the current Social Security system will be necessary. A new report issued by the Commission to Modernize Social Security may pave the way for these changes.

The recently released report is based on U.S. Census data indicating that in the coming decades the American population for the first time in history may become a majority-minority nation, meaning the majority of the population will be comprised of minority groups. As a result, the group says adjustments are needed to modernize Social Security Disability benefits and other programs to meet the growing needs of this diverse population.

The Commission to Modernize Social Security is a group made up of national policy leaders that represent various minority groups. The report suggests that changes must be made that take into consideration the fact that these ethnic groups are more prone to financial hardships, and are less likely to have wealth within their families compared to their Caucasian counterparts.

The report also sheds light on the notion that minority groups use Social Security for different reasons than many Caucasians. While most Caucasians use Social Security almost primarily for retirement benefits, 45 percent of African Americans and close to 60 percent of other minority groups use the program almost solely for SSDI and survivor benefits.

While some may think this doesn’t address many of the other problems with Social Security, it may be a step in the right direction.

Anyone in Illinois seeking assistance through Social Security may benefit from speaking with an attorney experienced in handling Social Security benefits.

Source: Bet, “Report: Social Security Must Retool to Serve People of Color,” Danielle Wright, Oct. 13, 2011

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