From Social Security to Supplemental Security Income, just about everyone across the nation, including here in Illinois, are well aware of the Social Security Administration’s switch to direct deposit for just about every type of benefit. But while there are still some concerns over whether the switch will work as well as planned, the overall reception has been mostly positive from beneficiaries across the nation.
Many people receiving benefit checks by mail have been mostly concerned that there would be small hiccups in the system that could make their funds difficult to access. People in rural areas without easy access to banks and people who do not have internet access were among the top people who had questioned the Social Security Administration’s announcement earlier this year.
But despite the concerns, many other people are finding it incredibly helpful. Many elderly people receiving disability benefits have praised the additional security direct deposit offers them. Instead of worrying about their paper check being stolen from their mailboxes, beneficiaries simply check their bank statements to see if the funds have been posted to their accounts.
One Missouri couple explained to reporters that they welcomed the switch after a parent’s Alzheimer’s made trouble for his finances. Checks were constantly being misplaced and sometimes never even recovered. Direct deposit now offers them a piece of mind they didn’t have before.
Although the direct deposit switch was supposed to take effect on March 1, the U.S. Treasury Department is still sending out checks to beneficiaries. They will however be constantly advising people to switch over if they have not done so already. It’s important to point out though that people in certain circumstances can still request that they still receive paper checks provided they file the correct paperwork with the U.S. Treasury Department.
Source: The Southeast Missourian, “Local seniors like direct deposit of federal payments,” Shay Alderman, Mar. 7, 2013
Tags: benefits, Social Security Disability, Supplemental Security Income