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Discord among SSD workers could have an effect on disability-claims

Posted on March 8th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

For months now, the Social Security Administration has gloated about the vast improvements that the agency has undergone over the course of the last few years. They’ve saved money by cutting office hours and switching to direct deposit. And by adding more illnesses and disabilities to the Compassionate Allowances list, they’ve also decreased the wait […]

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Individuals Seeking Appeal from SSD Denials at Record High

Posted on February 12th, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

An individual can apply for Social Security Disability when they have become unable to work whether it is due to illness or injury. In some instances, the Social Security Administration denies the applicant the benefits that they need. When this occurs, a person is not out of luck. They can appeal the decision. In fact, […]

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Man Becomes Violent When Denied Disability Benefits

Posted on February 2nd, 2012 by Jeffrey Rabin

Social Security disability benefits can be hugely beneficial for those individuals in Illinois who are no longer able to work because of an illness or injury. When people are denied those benefits, it can feel like a hopeless situation. Recently, a 50-year-old man was sentenced to one year of probation for attempting to threaten works […]

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