Because we have talked about it so many times before on this blog, many of our more frequent readers are quite aware of the trouble facing the Social Security Administration’s trust funds than other residents across Illinois. As some of you already know, the rise in the number of baby boomers who need Medicare assistance […]
SSA will not cut services in Illinois field offices as planned
Posted on July 23rd, 2014 by Jeff Rabin
In the last few years, the Social Security Administration has seen an increase in the number of applications for benefits in all of its programs. From retirement to disability, the administration has struggled for months now to clear its backlog and provide benefits to millions of Americans across the United States. But an uncertainty regarding […]
Complex laws for disability payments land ex-marine in prison
Posted on July 2nd, 2014 by Jeff Rabin
A lot of times, people will tell you to talk to a skilled lawyer when dealing with things that could become complicated legal matters. Although some people shrug off this advice because they think that they do not need the help, sometimes this isn’t always the best idea. Take for example a case out of […]
SSA offices close as the need for benefits increase
Posted on June 18th, 2014 by Jeff Rabin
While many offices are being closed by the Social Security Administration the need for benefits continues to increase. Individuals are facing longer waits as a result when seeking information. The 64 field offices that were closed since 2010 is the largest number closed in the history of the agency. Hours have also been reduced in […]
Differences between SSI and SSDI
Posted on June 2nd, 2014 by Jeff Rabin
There is often confusion between the differences in Social Security disability insurance benefits and Supplemental Security Income. While both programs are administered by the Social Security Administration, SSI is need based and is for individuals with limited financial resources. SSI is available for individuals 65 or older and can be used to assist disabled children […]