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The fate of disability benefits rides on Obama’s new budget idea

Posted on April 12th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

Funding for Social Security Disability is going to run out by 2016. Or at least that’s what the so-called experts are saying. We’ve seen the headlines on news sources across the web with no for-certain validation from the federal government. What we do know from the Social Security Administration is that disability claims have been […]

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Scooters and Medicare fraud: how this problem could affect you

Posted on April 5th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

Imagine that you are unable to move efficiently around your house. Imagine too that your mobility disability is so severe that you cannot even leave the house without assistance. Now think about the dozens of scooter commercials you’ve seen on the television in the last few years. A device like that could change your life […]

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Recent SSD publicity highlights struggle for people on program

Posted on March 29th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

Why is it always easier for someone to think the worst of someone else? Is it a matter of trust or is there something deep seeded in our culture that causes us to quickly judge what we don’t understand? These are questions some people here in Illinois may be asking themselves after a recent publication […]

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What affect is the sequester having on SSD and SSI benefits?

Posted on March 22nd, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

In the weeks leading up to March, people across the nation were introduced to a term they had probably never heard before: sequester. Although it carried little meaning for a majority of people, including many here in Illinois, there was still an air of fear about it; it sounded ominous and whatever it was, it […]

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How are people reacting to the new direct deposit system?

Posted on March 13th, 2013 by Jeffrey Rabin

From Social Security to Supplemental Security Income, just about everyone across the nation, including here in Illinois, are well aware of the Social Security Administration’s switch to direct deposit for just about every type of benefit. But while there are still some concerns over whether the switch will work as well as planned, the overall […]

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